About Us

(Photo credit: Yicheng Liu)

The Ordered Systems Lab is led by Professor Ryan Huang at the Department of EECS at University of Michigan. The lab conducts broad computer systems research, with a focus on systems reliability, availability and fault tolerance. Research work from the lab has been published in top systems conferences including OSDI, ASPLOS and NSDI. Recent highlights of its research include the LeaseOS work (led by PhD student Yigong Hu) that receives the Best Paper Award at ASPLOS 2019, and the AutoWatchdog work (led by PhD student Chang Lou) that receives the Best Paper Award at NSDI 2020.

Currently the lab has four PhD students, one Master's student, one undergraduate student and one visiting undergraduate student. We are actively recruiting self-motivated graduate students and undergraduate interns who are interested in systems building and research. Interested students please check this page

OrderLab's research projects are supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.