Ordered Systems Lab

The overarching goal of the Order Lab is to advance the principles and practices in building next-generation dependable systems for emerging platforms. In the process of achieving this goal, we strive to train top-notch systems researchers.

More About US

Research Interests

Our lab's research interests lie broadly in operating systems, distributed systems, cloud computing, and mobile systems. Our main focus is researching the reliability and fault-tolerance of computing systems.

Order® := {Operating, Reliable, Defensible, Efficient, Responsive}


Our research is driven by in-depth observations of important reliability problems in real-world systems.


Our projects often intersect different areas including OS, program analysis, software engineering, and ML.


We collaborate closely with leading industry companies and strive to evaluate our work in real settings.

Recent Projects

Check out Phair, and Patternful AI


We appreciate our sponsors for their funding and support, which made our research possible.